Ancient board game offers insight into military, cyber threats

(—As the United States faces increasing cyber and physical threats, both foreign and domestic, intelligence analysts must be able to predict their adversaries' moves and defeat them at their own games. At Penn ...

Swedish research can make Super Mario more realistic

Computer games are being developed at an ever more rapid pace, and the technical demands are rising, not least regarding graphics boards.  At Mälardalen University in Sweden, researchers have now found a solution to ...

Remains excavated of strategy board game from the Roman Iron Age

This April, researchers from the University Museum of Bergen excavated the remains of a small Early Iron Age grave cairn at Ytre Fosse, Western Norway. The location is spectacular, overlooking Alversund and the "Indre Skipsleia," ...

Why are we still failing to stop deforestation?

While national and international efforts to reverse the trend of deforestation have multiplied in recent years, there is still no clear evidence to suggest that these initiatives are actually working. A new paper published ...

Intelligent technology—the evolution and future of automation

The world's oldest board game still has a few moves to play. Go, a game of strategy and instinct considered more difficult to master than chess, was created roughly in the same era as the written word. The game is uniquely ...

Why African board games should be introduced into the classroom

When most of us think about learning, we imagine a teacher and a classroom. In reality most of the things we know, and a great number of the skills we acquire as children and adults, are learned outside the classroom – ...

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