A sustainable path for energy-demanding photochemistry

Many photochemical processes rely on UV light from inefficient or toxic light sources that the LED technology cannot replace for technical reasons. An international team of scientists led by Professor Christoph Kerzig of ...

NASA, ESA reveal tale of death, dust in Orion constellation

A new image combining previously released data from three telescopes shows a region that includes the Orion Nebula, named after the mighty hunter from Greek mythology who was felled by a scorpion's sting. But the story of ...

Nanocrystals store light energy and drive chemical reactions

Chemistry is increasingly making use of the trick plants can do with photosynthesis: driving chemical reactions that run poorly or do not occur spontaneously at all with light energy. This requires suitable photocatalysts ...

Controlling the effect of drugs more precisely

Unwanted side effects in the body, drug resistance or environmentally harmful residues—drugs not only cure diseases or relieve pain, but can also have negative effects on people or the environment. This could be reduced ...

Study addresses causes of eye color variation in primates

Have you ever wondered why some people have lighter eyes than others? Differences in iris coloration have traditionally been explained as a result of sexual selection, but a recent study led by researchers from the Department ...

Fast-as-lightning 3D microprinting with two lasers

Printing objects from plastic precisely, quickly, and inexpensively is the goal of many 3D printing processes. However, speed and high resolution remain a technological challenge. A research team from the Karlsruhe Institute ...

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