Lifestyle of a killer

Parasitic dinoflagellates of the genus Hematodinium are a big problem for crab, prawn and shrimp fisheries across the world. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Aquatic Biosystems has found that, ...

Recreational fishing causes Cape Cod salt marsh die-off

Recreational fishing is a major contributor to the rapid decline of important salt marshes along Cape Cod because it strips top predators such as striped bass, blue crabs, and smooth dogfish out of the ecosystem, according ...

Crabs put the pinch on marshlands

If you take a quick glance at the marsh next to Saquatucket Harbor in Harwich Port, Mass., you will notice right away that some of the grass is missing. The cordgrass there, and all around Cape Cod, has been slowly disappearing ...

Researchers find virus plaguing soft crabs

Not long after Lee Carrion and her partner launched Coveside Crabs in Dundalk, Md., five years ago, they realized their seafood business had a serious problem.

La. fishermen wrinkle their noses at 'smell tests'

(AP) -- Even the people who make their living off the seafood-rich waters of Louisiana's St. Bernard Parish have a hard time swallowing the government's assurances that fish harvested in the shallow, muddy waters just offshore ...

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