Israeli scientists find way to combat forged DNA

Israeli scientists have developed new technology to fight biological identity theft after realising that DNA evidence found at crime scenes can be easily falsified.

New microchip sorts white blood cells from whole blood

Early in 2012, MIT scientists reported on the development of a postage stamp-sized microchip capable of sorting cells through a technique, known as cell rolling, that mimics a natural mechanism in the body. The device successfully ...

King Tut died of blood disorder: German researchers

Legendary pharaoh Tutankhamun was probably killed by the genetic blood disorder sickle cell disease, German scientists said Wednesday, rejecting earlier research that suggested he died of malaria.

Signs of burnout can be detected in sweat

EPFL engineers, working in association with startup Xsensio, have developed a wearable system that can continually measure the concentration of cortisol—the stress hormone—in human sweat. Their device can eventually help ...

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