Related topics: protein · cancer · prostate cancer · women · biomarker

Ultra-precision nano-sensor could detect iron disorders

Chronic iron imbalances—having either too little or too much iron in the blood—can result in medical conditions ranging from anaemia and haemochromatosis through to more severe diseases, such as cancer, Parkinson's Disease ...

'Promising' virus-fighting antibody found: study

An antibody that can stop the new coronavirus infecting cells in laboratory tests has been identified by researchers in the Netherlands, in what scientists say could help the development of therapies for COVID-19.

Saliva proteins change as women age

In a step toward using human saliva to tell whether those stiff joints, memory lapses, and other telltale signs of aging are normal or red flags for disease, scientists are describing how the protein content of women's saliva ...

Separation line

For patients in need of blood, it's fatally important that they receive the right type. That's why doctors will often give emergency room patients universal donor blood, rather than waiting for the results of a blood test. ...

Researchers advance simple and inexpensive diagnostic blood test

In diagnostic medicine, biopsies, where a sample of tissue is extracted for analysis, is a common tool for the detection of many conditions. But this approach has several drawbacks—it can be painful, doesn't always extract ...

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