JPMorgan Chase unveils cryptocurrency prototype

JPMorgan Chase on Thursday unveiled a prototype for a digital coin system using blockchain, a first among major banks as disruption accelerates change in financial services.

Blockchain can strengthen the credibility of meta-analyses

When it comes to accumulating and assessing research evidence, meta-analyses are considered the gold standard as they allow researchers to analyze results from many studies on the same question. It is sometimes the case, ...

Blockchains in real time

Blockchains promise widescale open Internet applications that are organised decentrally, but this comes at the price of slow performance for every transaction processed by the system. Cryptography researchers working with ...

Researchers link realism to blockchain's promise

Depending on who you ask, blockchain technology is poised to revolutionize the world—from creating a universal currency to building a free and truly private internet. Or, the new technology, built with a combination of ...

Blockchain systems are tracking food safety and origins

When a Chinese consumer buys a package labeled "Australian beef," there's only a 50-50 chance the meat inside is, in fact, Australian beef. It could just as easily contain rat, dog, horse or camel meat – or a mixture of ...

Q&A: What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin has carved out a name for itself as the world's most popular cryptocurrency since arriving on the scene ten years ago.

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