Related topics: women · pregnant women · babies

Giant panda gives birth in Madrid zoo

A giant panda which is already a mother of twins gave birth again Friday in a Madrid zoo, welcoming the tiny new arrival with licks, zoo officials said.

Archaeologists race to save Gaza's ancient ruins

The ruins of this ancient complex sit on dunes by the sea, a world away from Gaza City's noise and bustle. Up in the sky, birds compete for space with children's kites flying from a nearby farm.

What the birth rate says about changing family dynamics

( —An Iowa State University sociologist is not surprised by a recent U.S. Census Bureau report showing a spike in the number of unmarried women giving birth. According to the report, nearly 36 percent of babies ...

World population not likely to stabilize at 10 billion people

Projections suggesting the world human population will stop growing around 10 billion people at the end of this century are improbable, according to new research by SFI Postdoctoral Fellow Marcus Hamilton and collaborators.

The climb to the pouch begins in utero

Scientists have visualised the short pregnancy of a small species of the kangaroo and wallaby family of marsupials, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), for the first time by high-resolution ultrasound. The study has shed ...

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