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Study of shark virgin birth shows offspring can survive long term

Shark pups born to virgin mothers can survive over the long-term, according to new research published Jan. 25, 2010 in the Journal of Heredity. The study shows for the first time that some virgin births can result in viable ...

Endangered Roloway monkey born in French zoo

An exceptionally rare Roloway monkey has been born at a zoo in eastern France that is striving to preserve one of the most endangered primate species on the planet.

Claims about the decline of the West are 'exaggerated'

A new paper by Oxford researchers argues that some countries in Western Europe, and the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand now have birth rates that are now relatively close to replacement, that the underlying trend in ...

Justices seem divided over EPA mercury limits (Update)

The Supreme Court's conservative justices cast doubt Wednesday on the Obama administration's first-ever regulations aimed at reducing power plant emissions of mercury and other hazardous air pollutants that contribute to ...

Taming random gene changes as our bodies start to form

Scientists exploring how to tame random gene fluctuations as the embryos that become our bodies start to form have identified a control switch in the vertebrate segmentation clock of developing zebrafish. The researchers ...

Chimpanzee birth to be live-streamed

A primate sanctuary in South Africa on Tuesday announced it will live-stream the birth of a baby chimpanzee on the Internet, an online event it claims will be a world first.

Why the thumb of the right hand is on the left hand side

It is the concentration of a few signaling molecules that determines the fate of individual cells during the early development of organisms. In the renowned journal Current Biology, a team of molecular biologists led by Pia ...

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