Related topics: women · pregnant women · babies

Ancestor of snakes, lizards likely gave birth to live young

The ancestor of snakes and lizards likely gave birth to live young, rather than laid eggs, and over time species have switched back and forth in their preferred reproductive mode, according to research published in print ...

Hubble unveils a deep sea of small and faint early galaxies

( —NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered the long-suspected underlying population of galaxies that produced the bulk of new stars during the universe's early years. They are the smallest, faintest, and most ...

Scientists engineer synthetic DNA to study 'architect' genes

Researchers at New York University have created artificial Hox genes—which plan and direct where cells go to develop tissues or organs—using new synthetic DNA technology and genomic engineering in stem cells.

Los Angeles Zoo sees first hippo birth in 26 years

The Los Angeles Zoo has received a real treat for Halloween—the birth of its first hippopotamus in 26 years. It was a bit of trick, too, because the mother was on birth control.

Scientists find new variations among sperm cells

The behavior of sperm cells is due, in part, to the individual DNA make-up of these cells, rather than only to the genetics of males, finds a team of scientists. Its results, which provide a new understanding of the competition ...

IQ a better predictor of adult economic success than maths

IQ in childhood is a better indicator of adult wealth than maths for very preterm and very low-weight babies, according to a new study in PLOS One by researchers at the University of Warwick and the University of Tennessee. ...

A toxic truth: lead exposure problems linger in soil, air

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan—which began in 2014 but to this day has not been completely resolved—brought the public health and economic costs of lead exposure into sharp focus. The crisis sparked conversations ...

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