Biosphere 2 Opens Phoenix Mars Lander Exhibit

( -- A full-size model Phoenix Lander has landed at Biosphere 2 before it heads, ultimately, to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C

Planet Earth's playhouse

At Biosphere 2, scientists can move things around, control the climate, turn off certain parameters and run others full tilt.

Human terrarium, Biosphere 2, looking good at 20

(AP) -- Jane Poynter and seven compatriots agreed to spend two years sealed inside a 3-acre terrarium in the Sonoran Desert. Their mission back in the 1990s: To see whether humans might someday be able to create self-sustaining ...

First rain on world's largest artificial watershed

Manmade hillsides inside the University of Arizona's Biosphere 2 provide researchers with the first opportunity to study how water, microbes, soil and plants interact in a setting realistic enough to improve global climate ...