A clear path to better insights into biomolecules

An international team of scientists led by Kartik Ayyer from the MPSD has obtained some of the sharpest possible 3-D images of gold nanoparticles. The results lay the foundation for obtaining high resolution images of macromolecules. ...

Happy hour for time-resolved crystallography

Researchers from the Department of Atomically Resolved Dynamics of the Max Planck institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science in Hamburg, the University of Hamburg ...

Neutrons get a wider angle on DNA and RNA to advance 3-D models

Scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland are using neutrons at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to capture new information about DNA and RNA molecules and ...

Molecular bait can help hydrogels heal wounds

Like fishermen, Rice University bioengineers are angling for their daily catch. But their bait, biomolecules in a hydrogel scaffold, lures microscopic stem cells instead of fish.

Researchers address challenges of curating ancient biomolecules

University of Oklahoma researchers, led by Courtney Hofman and Rita Austin, in collaboration with the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, are addressing the challenges of curating ancient biomolecules and working ...

Researchers discover new material—black silver

Researchers from the Singapore University of Design and Technology (SUTD) have engineered a new, inexpensive nanomaterial that has applications ranging from biomolecule detectors to solar energy conversion. The key to the ...

Origin of life in membraneless protocells

How life arose from non-living chemicals more than 3.5 billion years ago on Earth is a still-unanswered question. The RNA world hypothesis assumes that RNA biomolecules were key players during this time as they carry genetic ...

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