Wearable technology can monitor rehabilitation

Wearable technology is not only for sports and fashion enthusiasts it can also be used to monitor and aid clinical rehabilitation according to new research published in BioMed Central's open access journal BioMedical Engineering ...

Navigating complex biological systems with smart fibers

Integrative actuators and sensors within a single active device offer compelling capabilities for developing robotics, prosthetic limbs, and minimally invasive surgical tools. But instrumenting these devices at the microscale ...

Nanoscale sensor to spot disease

A new nanoscale sensor has been developed that can help detect cytokines—molecules that play a critical role in cellular response to infection, inflammation, trauma and disease.

Chemists 'print' sensors for nano-objects

Young scientists from ITMO University proposed a new type of optical nano-sensors. Their operating principle is based on the interaction of light in thin films: a similar effect can be observed in soap bubbles. Such sensors ...

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