Research predicts growth, survival of 'superorganism' ant colonies

(—Smaller ant colonies tend to live faster, die younger and burn up more energy than their larger counterparts, as do the individual ants that make up those colonies, according to new research that views the colonies ...

Deciphering the language of transcription factors

Transcription factors are proteins that bind to DNA to promote or suppress protein production. Since almost all diseases involve disruption of the protein-production process, transcription factors are promising biological ...

Thrips soldiers found able to ward off fungus

( -- Researchers studying the tiny bugs known as thrips have made two discoveries concerning one species: Kladothrips intermedius. The first is that though such thrips soldiers have big forearms, they don’t ...

Evolutionary question, answered

A new paper published in the Royal Society’s Biology Letters journal, shows that early experimental studies of the peppered moth, as taught to many American high school students, are “completely correct,” co-author ...

Innovation promises expanded roles for microsensors

Researchers have learned how to improve the performance of sensors that use tiny vibrating microcantilevers to detect chemical and biological agents for applications from national security to food processing.

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