Opossums found to be more social than thought

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Brazil has found that opossums are more social in their dens than thought. In their paper published in The Royal Society Biology Letters, the team ...

Landscape complexity affects pigeons' navigation

(Phys.org) —Homing pigeons' ability to learn and remember routes depends on the complexity of the landscape below. Hedges and boundaries between urban and rural areas provide ideal landmarks for navigation.

Natural selection can favor 'irrational' behavior

It seems paradoxical that a preference for which of two houses to buy could depend on another, inferior, house – but researchers at the University of Bristol have identified that seemingly irrelevant alternatives can, and ...

Ignorance is sometimes bliss

A range of examples suggests a lack of information about their fellows can favor cooperation and prevent conflict among animals—and even among genes.

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