Chance discovery of forgotten 1960s 'preprint' experiment

For years, scientists have complained that it can take months or even years for a scientific discovery to be published, because of the slowness of peer review. To cut through this problem, researchers in physics and mathematics ...

A new affordable and easy-to-use technology for dry eye diagnosis

UPM researchers have developed an optical biosensor with an easy, fast and affordable method of read-out that allows the in vitro detection of a biological material. The results obtained are promising for the diagnosis of ...

Nature's mirror—the code for chirality

How information is transferred from biological molecules to crystalline surfaces could pave the way for the development of new drugs and other synthetic materials.

Slow light speeds up the microscopic world

A team of researchers from the University of St Andrews and the University of York has slowed down the speed of light in a process which could have major applications in fundamental science and medical diagnosis.

Scientists help public avoid health risks of toxic blue-green algae

As we approach the hottest days of the summer season, toxic algae are starting to bloom in lakes around the world. Increases in atmospheric temperature combined with land nutrients are promoting the growth of harmful cyanobacteria—blue-green ...

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