MicroRNAs in plants: Regulation of the regulator

MicroRNAs are essential regulators of the genetic program in multicellular organisms. Because of their potent effects, the production of these small regulators has itself to be tightly controlled. That is the key finding ...

The minimal microbe

There are approximately one trillion quintillion microbial cells on this planet. That's more than the number of stars in the known universe! 

In birds' development, researchers find diversity by the peck

(Phys.org)—It has long been known that diversity of form and function in birds' specialized beaks is abundant. Charles Darwin famously studied the finches on the Galapagos Islands, tying the morphology (shape) of various ...

Microbe used to improve biofuel production

(Phys.org)—Biofuel production can be an expensive process that requires considerable use of fossil fuels, but a Missouri University of Science and Technology microbiologist's patented process could reduce the cost and the ...

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