Related topics: protein

Drug discovery, Netflix style?

( -- In the last 10 years, the growth of the Internet has made ranking algorithms one of the hottest topics in computer science. The most famous ranking algorithm is Google's, which determines the order of search ...

New insight in how cells' powerhouse divides

New research from the University of California, Davis, and the University of Colorado at Boulder puts an unexpected twist on how mitochondria, the energy-generating structures within cells, divide. The work, which could have ...

Molecular precursors to life discovered in the Perseus Cloud

Susan Iglesias-Groth, of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and Martina Marín-Dobrincicof the Polytechnic University of Cartagena have discovered the presence of numerous prebiotic molecules in the star formation ...

Cell division in embryos: Not a textbook case of symmetry

As cell biologists, Université de Montréal professor Greg FitzHarris and his Ph.D. student Lia Paim are very interested in fertility and what happens inside the eggs and embryos of the mice they study in their lab. And ...

Essential mechanism of symbiosis found in Hawaiian squid

( —Experiments at UW-Madison with a small squid that glows in the dark have uncovered a complex conversation that allows the newly hatched squid to attract the glowing, symbiotic bacteria that disguises it against ...

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