Project fruit fly: What accounts for insect taste?

A Johns Hopkins team has identified a protein in sensory cells on the "tongues" of fruit flies that allows them to detect a noxious chemical and, ultimately, influences their decision about what to eat and what to avoid.

Carbon dioxide and iron at the origin of life

Researchers at the University of Strasbourg have discovered a striking similarity between the way carbon dioxide (CO2) reacts with metals and the way that ancient microbes use CO2 to build their biomass, providing potential ...

Software speeds up molecular simulations

( -- Whether vibrating in place or taking part in protein folding to ensure cells function properly, molecules are never still. Simulating molecular motions provides researchers with information critical to designing ...

Controlling vitamin K2 production in the tuberculosis bacteria

A team of New Zealand researchers led by a University of Canterbury (UC) scientist has discovered a novel mechanism of controlling vitamin K2 production in the bacterial pathogen that causes tuberculosis (known as TB or the ...

Key pathological mechanism found in plague bacterium

(—A more than 50-year-old question has now been answered. Chemists and microbiologists at the Biological Chemistry Center at Umeå University in Sweden are now able to describe in detail the role of calcium in ...

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