Bacteria are wishing you a Merry Xmas

A bacterium has been used to wish people a Merry Xmas. Grown by Dr Munehiro Asally, an Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick, the letters used to spell MERRY XMAS are made of Bacillus subtilis, a non-pathogenic ...

Key to pathogenic slime uncovered

( —Dental plaque, the sludge in hot springs and black slime inside of toilets are all examples of biofilms, made of slick communities of bacteria that also play roles in many diseases.

Catheter innovation destroys dangerous biofilms

For the millions of people forced to rely on a plastic tube to eliminate their urine, developing an infection is nearly a 100 percent guarantee after just four weeks. But with the help of a little bubble-blowing, biomedical ...

In situ chemical imaging at the sub-biofilm-scale now possible

( —Catching biofilm chemistry with images has always been a cold or dry affair. Now, a multidisciplinary team at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is the first to demonstrate imaging of a biofilm's chemical ...

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