Secret to how cholera adapts to temperature revealed

Scientists have discovered an essential protein in cholera-causing bacteria that allows them to adapt to changes in temperature, according to a study published today in eLife.

Nanocrystals that eradicate bacterial biofilms

The COVID-19 pandemic is raising fears of new pathogens such as viruses or drug-resistant bacteria. On this note, a Korean research team has recently drawn attention for developing the technology for removing antibiotic-resistant ...

Peel-off coating keeps desalination cleaner and greener

A removable coating that can be used to clean desalination membranes has been developed by KAUST researchers. The nontoxic coating could provide a safer and more efficient alternative to harmful chemicals used to clean reverse ...

Evolution: No social distancing at the beginning of life

Bacteria are a dominant form of life that inhabit every environment on Earth. This includes human bodies, where they outnumber our cells and genes and regulate many body systems. Bacteria are regularly viewed as simple, single-celled ...

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