The priorities for food-security research under extreme events

Fixing hunger is as challenging as ever. Many food producers, including farmers, hunters and fishers are food-insecure; meaning they're not always sure where their next meal will come from. More than 50% of the roughly 600 ...

High plant diversity is often found in the smallest of areas

It might sound weird, but it's true: the steppes of Eastern Europe are home to a similar number of plant species as the regions of the Amazon rainforest. However, this is only apparent when species are counted in small sampling ...

New species of Begonia found in Gaoligong Mountains

Begonia is the sixth largest genus of angiosperms. Yunnan has 117 species of Begonia among the 250 species from China. Among the currently known Begonias in China, only Begonia yui has paired bracteoles below the ovary.

Discovering new plant and fungi species

There is so much we still don't know about native species in Australia and New Zealand. Best estimates suggest that we have yet to discover and name some 70% of the life living around us.

Improving biodiversity monitoring in Europe

The European data landscape is highly fragmented in the area of biodiversity. A variety of different methods for data collection and analysis often makes it impossible to compare across countries the information that has ...

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