No such thing as a plastic-free lunch?

People often ask us about going "plastic free". Have you tried it? I have and it really isn't that easy. I lasted only one week. It can be expensive and time consuming and is particularly difficult if (like me) you live away ...

Is there any point in recycling?

To sort or not to sort, that is the question. Lots of people wonder whether it's really worth their time and effort to separate, wash and store recyclable materials – especially if it takes more energy to recycle, or if ...

Sustainable 'plastics' are on the horizon

A new Tel Aviv University study describes a process to make bioplastic polymers that don't require land or fresh water—resources that are scarce in much of the world. The polymer is derived from microorganisms that feed ...

The path to reducing plastic pollution

Shuddering and unable to breathe, he vomited up five plastic bags. The small pilot whale, found in a Thai canal this past June, is another symptom of a crisis in the world's oceans. Plastic waste, mostly broken down into ...

Biodegradable plastic blends offer new options for disposal

Imagine throwing your empty plastic water bottle into a household composting bin that breaks down the plastic and produces biogas to help power your home. Now, researchers have taken an early step toward this futuristic scenario ...

Oil biodegradation inhibited in deep-sea sediments

Degradation rates of oil were slower in the dark and cold waters of the depths of the Gulf of Mexico than at surface conditions, according to an international team of geoscientists trying to understand where the oil went ...

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