The protective layer of prehistoric land plants

An international research team has discovered a biochemical pathway that is responsible for the development of moss cuticles. These waxy coverings of epidermal cells are the outer layer of plants and protect them from water ...

New research explains hydrophobicity

(—The hydrophobic effect is a fundamental aspect of biochemical processes. Hydrophilic, or water-loving, solutes tend to be miscible in water, while hydrophobic, or water-fearing, solutes tend to aggregate in such ...

Cheaper and more sustainable sweeteners

Polyalcohols are widely used in the food industry, especially in candy and gum because they bring the sweet without the risk of cavities.Researchers at ICIQ (Tarragona, Spain) and ETH (Zurich, Switzerland) designed a process ...

Urine test for fatigue could help prevent accidents

Doctors, pilots, air traffic controllers and bus drivers have at least one thing in common—if they're exhausted at work, they could be putting lives at risk. But the development of a new urine test, reported in the ACS ...

10,000 windows onto biomolecular information processing

A Franco-Japanese research group at the University of Tokyo has developed a new "brute force" technique to test thousands of biochemical reactions at once and quickly home in on the range of conditions where they work best. ...

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