Biochemistry detective work: Algae at night

Photosynthesis is probably the most well-known aspect of plant biochemistry. It enables plants, algae, and select bacteria to transform the energy from sunlight during the daytime into chemical energy in the form of sugars ...

Research reveals how key controller protein is switched on

New research has uncovered how a complex protein pivotal in the development of cancer, viral infection and autoimmune diseases is activated. The discovery answers a key question about one of the most widely-researched proteins ...

Proteins 'ring like bells'

As far back as 1948, Erwin Schrödinger—the inventor of modern quantum mechanics—published the book "What is life?" In it, he suggested that quantum mechanics and coherent ringing might be at the basis of all biochemical ...

DNA nanotechnology places enzyme catalysis within an arm's length

Using molecules of DNA like an architectural scaffold, Arizona State University scientists, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Michigan, have developed a 3-D artificial enzyme cascade that mimics an important ...

Tiny biomolecular tweezers studying force effect of cells

A new type of biomolecular tweezers could help researchers study how mechanical forces affect the biochemical activity of cells and proteins. The devices—too small to see without a microscope—use opposing magnetic and ...

Study reveals new insights into sulfate-reducing bacteria

( —Sulfate-reducing bacteria are common in oxygen-deprived habitats, and they can have harmful industrial and health effects as well as beneficial environmental effects. This study examines the biochemical pathways ...

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