Genome study offers clues about history of big cats

(—A large international team of researchers has conducted a genetic analysis and comparison of the world's biggest cats to learn more about their history. In their paper published on the open source site Science ...

Oldest big cat fossil found in Tibet

Scientists have unearthed the oldest big cat fossil yet, suggesting the predator—similar to a snow leopard—evolved in Asia and spread out.

The Red Queen was right: We have to run to keep in place

Biologists quote Lewis Carroll when arguing that survival is a constant struggle to adapt and evolve. Is that true, or do groups die out because they experience a run of bad luck? Charles Marshall and Tiago Quental of UC ...

Scientists reveal family tree of 'super-sized lions'

( -- The giant cats that roamed the British Isles, as well as Europe and North America, as recently as 13,000 years ago were lions rather than giant jaguars or tigers, a team led by Oxford University scientists ...

Fossil places extinct saber-toothed cat on Texas coast

Important scientific finds don't always come in the biggest, buzziest packages. Sometimes new discoveries come in little ugly rocks. Such is the case of a 6-centimeter-wide, nondescript mass of bone and teeth that helped ...

Why you shouldn't declaw tigers or other big cats

Declawing house cats to keep them from scratching people and furniture is controversial—and even banned in some countries and areas in the U.S.—but the practice is not limited to house cats. In a new study, researchers ...

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