Why doesn't water help with spicy food? What about milk or beer?

Spicy foods taste spicy because they contain a family of compounds called capsaicinoids. Capsaicin is the major culprit. It's found in chilies, jalapeños, cayenne pepper, and is even the active ingredient in pepper spray.

AI predicts the taste and quality of beer

Belgian scientists have developed AI models that can predict how consumers will rate a particular beer, and what aroma compounds brewers can add to improve it. The research was published in Nature Communications and may revolutionize ...

Challenges facing food and beverage companies seeking to export

A new Oregon State University study that examined exporting practices of Oregon food and beverage companies found that the likelihood of exporting increases with firm size and length of time in business and that the COVID-19 ...

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A drink, or beverage, is a liquid specifically prepared for human consumption. In addition to basic needs, beverages form part of the culture of human society.

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