Heads or tails? A mathematician breaks down the odds

With punters preparing to mark Anzac Day with a game of two-up, a mathematician from The Australian National University (ANU) has revealed some of the game's statistical secrets. 

How to avoid a sucker bet – with a little help from maths

Sitting in a bar, you start chatting to a man who issues you a challenge. He hands you five red and two black cards. After shuffling, you lay them on the bar, face down. He bets you that you cannot turn over three red cards. ...

A guide to poker scams – how not to get stung

Winning in a casino is difficult enough when you have the house edge to contend with, but there are people who want to make it even harder. There are legitimate ways that other players can make life difficult for you, even ...

A kiss of death to drug the 'undruggable'

Scientists at the University of Dundee have reported a major breakthrough in targeting the causes of many diseases, using a `kiss of death' to destroy proteins which had previously been regarded as 'undruggable'.

Study looks at predicting NFL betting lines

When bookmakers set the over/under line for NFL games they tend to give weight to the number of points a team scored in its immediate previous game. But that statistic is a poor predictor of the number of points to be scored ...

EU ruling opens door for online betting crackdown

Online bookmakers such as the one behind the multi-million sponsorship of Real Madrid can be banned by individual EU states, Europe's top court said Tuesday in a landmark ruling set to hit the industry.

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