Synthesis of two-dimensional holey graphyne

Diamond and graphite are two naturally occurring carbon allotropes that we have known about for thousands of years. They are elemental carbons that are arranged in a manner so that they consist of sp3 and sp2 hybridized carbon ...

Selective synthesis of meta isomers now possible

In a recent study published in Science, four RIKEN organic chemists have come up with a way to selectively synthesize isomers of an important group of aromatic compounds. This promises to make it possible to manufacture chemicals ...

A fast and efficient method for graphene nanoribbon synthesis

Nanographenes are attracting wide interest from many researchers as a powerful candidate for the next generation of carbon materials due to their unique electric properties. Scientists at Nagoya University have now developed ...

The construction of ordered nanostructures from benzene

A way to link benzene rings together in a highly ordered three-dimensional helical structure using a straightforward polymerization procedure has been discovered by researchers from RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science ...

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