Key tiger habitat swamped by deadly Bangladesh cyclone

Bangladesh forest experts warned Tuesday a key tiger habitat hit by a deadly cyclone had been submerged by seawater deeper and longer than ever before, raising fears for endangered wildlife.

Bangladesh major hub for tiger poaching: study

Bangladesh remains a major hub for the poaching of endangered tigers despite government claims of a successful crackdown on pirate groups involved in the trade, according to research published Friday.

Bangladesh bans plastics in world's largest mangrove forest

Conservationists in Bangladesh said Tuesday that tourists dropping rubbish in the world's largest mangrove forest had seriously damaged the ecosystem, forcing the imposition of a single-use plastic ban in the World Heritage ...

Indian tigers find lockdown grrreat

With the humans of West Bengal under virus lockdown, tigers in the Sundarbans mangrove forest in the eastern Indian state are coming out to play, with park rangers Thursday reporting a jump in sightings of the big cats.

'Tiger King' and America's captive tiger problem

Netflix's new docuseries "Tiger King" takes viewers into the strange world of big cat collectors. Featuring eccentric characters with names like Joe Exotic and Bhagavan "Doc" Antle, the series touches on polygamy, addiction ...

Bangladesh tiger population rises after poaching crackdown

The number of wild tigers in Bangladesh's Sundarbans area has increased for the first time in 15 years after a major crackdown against poachers in the world's largest mangrove forest, officials said Wednesday.

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