Paleontologists discover elephant graveyard in North Florida

About five and a half million years ago, several gomphotheres—extinct relatives of elephants—died in or near a river in North Florida. Although their deaths likely occurred hundreds of years apart, their bodies were all ...

Common veterinary drugs show effectiveness against bed bugs

Two common drugs used by veterinarians to combat parasites may be effective against bed bugs, with one showing especially strong potential, according to a new study from North Carolina State University that examined the drugs ...

Dugongs likely to be functionally extinct in China

A small team of researchers from China, the U.K. and Greece reports that dugongs are likely functionally extinct in China. In their paper published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, the group describes interviewing ...

Land-building marsh plants are champions of CO2 capture

It is well known that CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels underlie the havoc being wrought by climate change. Stemming further emissions through innovations in sustainable energy production is certainly part of the solution. ...

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