Eavesdropping on the ocean's mighty microorganisms

The microscopic organisms that make up ocean ecosystems are invisible to the naked eye, yet they are responsible for producing half the oxygen we breathe, and for sustaining all the world's fisheries. Now, nearing the end ...

Scientists make biodegradable microbeads from cellulose

Scientists and engineers from the University of Bath have developed biodegradable cellulose microbeads from a sustainable source that could potentially replace harmful plastic ones that contribute to ocean pollution.

Making biodiesel with used cooking oil and a microwave

Weaning cars and trucks off of gasoline and diesel made from fossil fuels is a difficult task. One promising solution involves biodiesel, which comes from natural oils and fats, but it is costly. Using a microwave and catalyst-coated ...

NYC waters are teeming with plastic particles, study finds

The waterways surrounding New York City are a soup of plastic, ranging from discarded takeout containers down to tiny beads that end up in the food supply, according to a new report by an environmental group.

Cosmic glasses for space exploration

How are asteroids and planets formed from stony particles? This question is being explored in an experiment by scientists from the universities of Münster and Braunschweig. For the investigation, Fraunhofer researchers have ...

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