Chinese rover finds translucent glass globules on the moon

Scientists say China's Yutu-2 rover, part of the Chang'E-4 mission, has found several small glass globules on the moon's far side. While tiny glass beads have been found previously in lunar samples brought back by the Apollo ...

Optical tweezer technology tweaked to overcome dangers of heat

Three years ago, Arthur Ashkin won the Nobel Prize for inventing optical tweezers, which use light in the form of a high-powered laser beam to capture and manipulate particles. Despite being created decades ago, optical tweezers ...

Challenging Einstein's picture of Brownian motion

Around a decade ago, the discovery of Fickian yet non-Gaussian Diffusion (FnGD) in soft and biological materials broke up the celebrated Einstein's picture of Brownian motion. To date, such an intriguing phenomenon is still ...

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