Long-Awaited 'Alex' Android eReader Ready For Pre-Orders

(PhysOrg.com) -- You can preorder the first Alex Reader today... finally! Alex, the first Google Android-powered eReader will ship to preorders in mid-April, five months after its announcement made a huge splash last October. ...

Electric bikes on a roll in China

Chinese commuters in their millions are turning to electric bicycles -- hailed as the environmentally-friendly future of personal transport in the country's teeming cities.

An electrifying advance toward tomorrow's power suits

Could powering an iPod or cell phone become as easy as plugging it into your tee shirt or jeans, and then recharging the clothing overnight? Scientists in California are reporting an advance in that direction with an easier ...

New solvent technologies to replace use of harmful toxic acids

Scientists at the University of Leicester are spearheading the development of new ways to replace harmful, carcinogenic, toxic acids and electrolytes which are currently used in many commercial metal finishing and energy ...

Panasonic completes Sanyo acquisition

(AP) -- Panasonic Corp. said Monday that it had taken majority control of Sanyo Electric Co., officially forming one of the world's largest electronics makers.

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