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The science of why hawks are one of nature's deadliest hunters

The sight of hundreds of thousands of bats streaming from their roost at dusk is one of nature's great spectacles. Swarms can be so dense they resemble rising smoke at a distance. But the aerial antics of the birds of prey ...

Studying vampire bats to predict the next pandemic

In June, Virginia Tech Assistant Professor Luis Escobar led a team of students into the Andes Mountains and lowlands of Colombia to understand how vampire bats can help predict and prevent the next big epidemic. Escobar is ...

The first look at how rabies affects vampire bat social behavior

Vampire bats infected with the rabies virus aren't likely to act stereotypically "rabid," according to a new study—instead, infected male bats tended to withdraw socially, scaling back on the common habit of grooming each ...

How an urban bat differs from a rural bat

Some bat species are more likely to be found in cities than in the countryside. A scientific team from Freie Universität Berlin, the University of Greifswald, the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries ...

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