Researchers unravel secrets of mussels' clinginess

Unlike barnacles, which cement themselves tightly to the surfaces of rocks, piers or ships, the clamlike bivalves called mussels dangle more loosely from these surfaces, attached by a collection of fine filaments known as ...

New research shows some barnacles mate via spermcasting

(—A team of Canadian researchers has found that one species of barnacles mate by ejecting sperm into seawater while another catches it – a process known as spermcasting. Prior to this research, scientists had ...

Barnacles explain life at the extreme

Barnacles—a type of marine crustacean—are highly adaptable animals. Unlike many other groups that prefer quieter waters, they like areas with a lot of activity, are hardy against dry spells that sometimes occur in tidal ...

A coating that prevents barnacles forming colonies

It is not necessary for an effective anti-fouling coating to release toxins into the environment. Scientists at the University of Gothenburg have shown that it is instead possible to mix into the coating molecules on which ...

Super sticky barnacle glue cures like blood clots

Barnacles are a big problem for boats. Adhering to the undersides of vessels, carpets of the crustaceans can increase fuel consumption by as much as 25%. Ship owners would love to know how to stop these hitchhikers gluing ...

Barnacle busting: Research targets ship biofouling

Individually, tiny barnacles pose little threat to hulking U.S. Navy ships. But when clustered in thick clumps on a vessel's hull—a natural occurrence called biofouling—these sticky crustaceans can slow the ship and increase ...

Fossils unearthed at California construction site

Giant teeth from a 40-foot (12-meter)-long shark and portions of what could turn out to be an entire whale skeleton are among the hundreds of fossils being carefully unearthed at a dam construction site in California's Silicon ...

Wild geese take climate action

Migratory animals are actively adjusting their traditions to climate change, new research has found.

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