Scientists create an 'optical conveyor belt' for quasiparticles

Using interference between two lasers, a research group led by scientists from RIKEN and NTT Research have created an "optical conveyor belt" that can move polaritons—a type of light-matter hybrid particle—in semiconductor-based ...

Advances in topological phase transition in organometallic lattices

A research group led by Prof. Li Xingxing of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of Chinese Academy of Chinese (CAS) made a reversible topological control in 2D organometallic lattices achieved through tautomerization. ...

New hydrogel can stretch to 15 times its original size

A team of molecular engineers at Tsinghua University, in China, has developed a new type of hydrogel that can stretch to 15 times its original size and then snap back to its original form. In their study, published in the ...

Magnetizing water drops to make them hop

A small combined team of material scientists from Sun Yat-sen University and Dalian University of Technology, both in China, has found that it is possible to make a single drop of water hop in desired ways by putting a magnetic ...

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