Studying dusty air has both local and global significance

Understanding the unique characteristics of the Arabian atmosphere has much to offer global research. Pollution, weather, climate change, human health, agriculture and fisheries are all affected by the suspended particles ...

Gut feeling essential for migrating fish

Why do trout spend so much time in potentially dangerous estuaries before migrating to sea? In a new thesis published at University Gothenburg, Jeroen Brijs reveals that the answer may lie in the gut.

Balance may rely on the timing of movement

Zebrafish learn to balance by darting forward when they feel wobbly, a principle that may also apply to humans, according to a study led by researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center.

Disseminating the new kilogram—an international 'dry run'

When the kilogram, the world's basic unit of mass, gets a new definition in 2018, it will be based not on a physical artifact but a constant of nature. However, researchers will still need to "realize" the new definition, ...

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