How your work colleagues affect your home life, and vice versa

There are benefits to being part of a couple in which both are in paid work. A dual income brings, if not necessarily great wealth, at least an element of greater economic freedom, while the relationship can be a source of ...

How does mercury accumulation vary in tropical forests?

As a global pollutant, mercury (Hg) is emitted directly into the atmosphere from geogenic and anthropogenic sources and previously deposited Hg in natural surfaces. Previous studies in subtropical evergreen forests have shown ...

Measures to improve gender balance are working

Many technology industry studies are strongly male-dominated, which shows up in the labor market afterward and is one of several reasons why women on average earn less than men.

How workers become seduced by the cult of 'optimal busyness'

The consultant was on her way to a demanding client meeting when she realized she had had a miscarriage. But she did not interrupt her day. Instead, she went on to complete the meeting at her client's offices.

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