Banning plastic bags-does it make a difference?

This week the Toronto city council revisits the city’s plastic bag surcharge, which requires retailers to charge customers five cents per bag. We originally spoke to Professor Douglas Stephan of Chemistry in August 2009 ...

Russian test blamed for space junk threatening space station

A Russian weapons test created more than 1,500 pieces of space junk now threatening the seven astronauts aboard the International Space Station, according to U.S. officials who called the strike reckless and irresponsible.

Malaysia says over 350,000 cars yet to change Takata airbags

Malaysia's transport minister said Tuesday that the government will take an active role in recalls to replace flawed Takata air bags after data from eight car manufacturers showed that more than 350,000 car owners have not ...

Dead deer found in Thailand with 7kg of plastic in stomach

A wild deer was found dead after swallowing 7 kilograms (15 pounds) of plastic bags and other trash in Thailand, an official said Tuesday, raising the alarm on waste littering the country's waters and forests.

Japan begins charging for plastic bags

Retailers in Japan began charging for plastic bags on Wednesday, a move aimed at curbing Japanese consumers' love for packaging and finally bringing the country in line with other major economies.

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