Related topics: launch ยท rocket

In Florida, endangered coral finds a way to blossom

In a new study, researchers have found that the restoration efforts of the critically endangered species elkhorn coral depend largely on the animal's location, microbiome, and the right conditions to provide an abundance ...

Weather woes again delay US space shuttle transfer

Bad weather has for a second time forced authorities to delay the transfer of the space shuttle Endeavour from Florida to California, with the move now set for later this week, NASA said Tuesday.

Atlantis astronauts warily eye landing-day weather

(AP) -- Atlantis' astronauts checked their ship's flight systems and packed up Thursday in hopes of an on-time end to their triumphant Hubble Space Telescope repair mission, although the weather prospects were dismal.

Food price spikes, volatility not the same issue

( -- When global food prices rose sharply starting in late 2010 and hit an all-time high in February, many leaders, including the presidents of the World Bank and of France, spoke about the increases and conflated ...

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