Molecular chameleons reveal bacterial biofilms

Molecules that change colour can be used to follow in real-time how bacteria form a protective biofilm around themselves. This new method, which has been developed in collaboration between researchers at Linköping University ...

Enzymes found that can tear down bacterial biofilm walls

(—A team of researchers from the U.S. and Canada has identified two enzymes that have proven able to break down bacterial biofilms, allowing antibacterial agents to more effectively kill their targets. In their ...

Paradigm shift: 'We need to study lumps of bacteria'

New research from the University of Copenhagen reveals that bacteria which agglutinate before entering the body are far more resistant than single-celled bacteria. This may be the cause of chronic infections.

Chemists turn bacterial molecules into potential drug molecules

Yan-Yeung Luk, associate professor of chemistry, and his research team have published their findings in ChemBioChem, explaining how they have created molecules that mimic and dominate toxic ones secreted by bacteria. The ...

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