iRobot proposes 3-D printing with less human intervention

(—iRobot Corporation, the Bedford, Massachusetts-based makers of Roomba, have a wish list for 3-D printing that goes something like this: Cut out the human labor, automate everything, and the result is reduced ...

Vela Pulsar

(—This movie from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a fast moving jet of particles produced by a rapidly rotating neutron star, and may provide new insight into the nature of some of the densest matter in ...

Asteroid Toutatis slowly tumbles by earth

(—Scientists working with NASA's 230-foot-wide (70-meter) Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, Calif., have generated a series of radar data images of a three-mile-long (4.8-kilometer) asteroid that made its ...

Black hole jets might be molded by magnetism

Even though black holes—by their definition and very nature—are the ultimate hoarders of the Universe, gathering and gobbling up matter and energy to the extent that not even light can escape their gravitational grip, ...

Study: Autumn sets in rapidly on Saturn's moon Titan

Thanks to NASA's Cassini spacecraft which has been orbiting Saturn since 2004, scientists have been able to observe for the first time ever the seasonal atmospheric circulation direction change on Titan – an event which ...

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