US mulls changes to personal electronics on flights

US aviation officials are considering easing restrictions on the use of personal electronics like smartphones, laptop computers and e-readers aboard airplanes, a spokesman said Monday.

Measuring an aviation system's safety performance

PhD candidate and Safety Manager at NATO's Airlift Management Programme, Ilias Panagopoulos, has collaborated with Professor Chris Atkin and Dr Ivan Sikora, senior academics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics ...

UN aviation agency concealed serious hack: media

The Montreal-based United Nations aviation agency concealed for months a hack of its computers and allowed malware to spread throughout the airline industry, Canada's public broadcaster reported Wednesday.

US proposes nearly $2 million fine against drone operator

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday proposed a record $1.9 million fine against an aerial photography company for flying drones in crowded New York and Chicago airspace without permission.

Aviation faces challenge to reduce pollution

Aviation has boomed in the past decades, with low-cost airlines helping make travel affordable to more people, but the industry faces a major challenge to play its part in cutting emissions responsible for global warming.

United pilots to use iPad for navigation

United Airlines said Tuesday it was replacing the hefty flight manuals and chart books its pilots have long used with 11,000 iPads carrying the same data.

Appeals court overturns key Cape Wind clearance

(AP) -- A federal appeals court on Friday overturned the Federal Aviation Administration's ruling that Cape Wind's turbines present no danger for local air traffic.

Fly the eco-friendly skies

In what could set the stage for a fundamental shift in commercial aviation, an MIT-led team has designed a green airplane that is estimated to use 70 percent less fuel than current planes while also reducing noise and emission ...

SpaceX says no Starship launch on Monday

SpaceX has postponed the latest test flight of its prototype interplanetary Starship rocket from the company's south Texas facility, Elon Musk said Monday.

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