NASA, FAA demonstrate wireless communication with aircraft

For the first time ever, a team of engineers at NASA's Glenn Research Center conveyed aviation data—including route options and weather information—to an airplane over a wireless communication system for aircraft on the ...

Can we trust police drones?

In Australia, unmanned aerial vehicles – or drones – are now being used by the police in most states as a tool to help fight crime or to assist in rescue missions.

Jet engines to become cleaner in future

Thanks to a close collaboration between the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa), SR Technics and the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA), Switzerland is setting an international benchmark ...

Drones becoming 'real' threat to commercial aviation: IATA

Civilian drones are increasingly becoming a "real and growing threat" to the safety of commercial aviation, industry group IATA warned on Monday, calling for regulations to be put in place before any serious accidents occur.

UN agency proposes greenhouse gas emissions rules for planes

A U.N. panel on Monday proposed long-sought greenhouse gas emissions standards for airliners and cargo planes, drawing praise from the White House and criticism from environmentalists who said they would be too weak to actually ...

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