Related topics: climate change

Pacific trade winds stall global surface warming—for now

Heat stored in the western Pacific Ocean caused by an unprecedented strengthening of the equatorial trade winds appears to be largely responsible for the hiatus in surface warming observed over the past 13 years.

Messel boa: Live birth in a 47-million-year-old snake

An Argentine-German team of scientists, including Senckenberg's Krister Smith, has discovered the world's first fossil evidence of live birth in snakes. The fossil they examined came from the Hessian UNESCO World Heritage ...

The air above Antarctica is suddenly getting warmer

Record warm temperatures above Antarctica over the coming weeks are likely to bring above-average spring temperatures and below-average rainfall across large parts of New South Wales and southern Queensland.

Climate change: meteorologists preparing for the worst

Intense aerial turbulence, ice storms and scorching heatwaves, huge ocean waves—the world's climate experts forecast apocalyptic weather over the coming decades at a conference in Montreal that ended Thursday.

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