Related topics: earth

The southern lights in Indigenous oral traditions

Parts of Australia have been privileged to see dazzling lights in the night sky as the Aurora Australis – known as the southern lights – puts on a show this year.

Australian icebreaker in Antarctic mercy dash

An Antarctic expeditionary team were working round the clock Sunday to refuel an Australian icebreaker forced to turn back to its frozen base to pick up a seriously ill worker.

Dazzled by the bright Southern Lights

The past week saw a fantastic treat for aurora watchers. Generally it is the southern part of the country, Tasmania in particular, that sees the most impressive displays. But this aurora has been so intense that it was even ...

Green and red auroras light up St. Patrick's day dawn

A strong G3 geomagetic storm surged across the planet this morning producing a spectacular display of the northern lights. Some of you may who may have risen to see the new nova were no doubt as surprised as the NOAA space ...

What causes the northern lights?

If you live in the high latitudes, like Alaska, or New Zealand, you've probably had a chance to see an aurora. Here in Canada, we call them the Northern Lights or the Aurora Borealis, but the lucky folks in the far southern ...

Origin of 'theta aurora'—long-standing space mystery—revealed

Auroras are the most visible manifestation of the sun's effect on Earth, but many aspects of these spectacular displays are still poorly understood. Thanks to the joint European Space Agency and NASA's Cluster mission combined ...

Auroras from space look like green ocean waves in new video

Doesn't this make you want to book a trip on the next spaceship? Stunning footage from space here shows what auroras look like from the International Space Station. So many ripples of green. Such awesomeness.

Incredible fast-moving aurora captured in real time

Usually, videos that feature aurora are timelapse videos, in order to show the normally slow movements of the Northern and Southern Lights. But here are some incredibly fast-moving aurorae shown in real time, as seen by astrophotographer ...

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