Do Chinese investors trust expanded audit reports?

The global financial crisis of 2007–2009 prompted calls for greater transparency in auditing processes, and since 2013, the auditors of UK-listed companies have been required to highlight key audit matters or KAMs. However, ...

Do former regulators improve the quality of audits?

In their auditing capacity, accounting firms, such as the "Big Four"—Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PWC—function as watchdogs for publicly traded companies. They're tasked with ensuring financial disclosures are accurate and ...

Audits can bring bad news or benefits to small businesses

An IRS audit can be a terminal event for a small business, especially if it's found to have underpaid its tax liability. Beyond the direct costs of paying owed taxes, audits impose operational costs that may threaten a company's ...

People continue to matter, as accounting evolves

The role of the auditing profession is crucial for the proper functioning of capital and debt markets: one of the primary duties of auditors is to ensure the compliance of organizations' financial accounts to the law. And ...

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