Related topics: energy

Characterization of soft magnetic nanocomposites

Optimizing the performance of soft magnetic materials requires an understanding of the nanostructure and consideration of the local composition of each phase. The researchers successfully correlated the crystallization state ...

Interactive tool lifts veil on the cost of nuclear energy

Despite the ever-changing landscape of energy economics, subject to the influence of new technologies and geopolitics, a new tool promises to root discussions about the cost of nuclear energy in hard evidence rather than ...

Japan nuclear watchdog approves one more reactor

Japan's nuclear watchdog on Wednesday gave the green light to restart one more atomic reactor, weeks after the government said a fifth of the country's electricity supply should come from atomic power.

Is nuclear power the only way to avoid geoengineering?

"I think one can argue that if we were to follow a strong nuclear energy pathway—as well as doing everything else that we can—then we can solve the climate problem without doing geoengineering." So says Tom Wigley, one ...

Nanomolecular origami boxes hold big promise for energy storage

( —If you think your origami skills can't be beat – try this: (1) use the world's thinnest material, (2) make the origami fold and unfold itself, and (3) pack into your miniscule origami box enough hydrogen atoms ...

Debunking myths on nuclear power

It is the received wisdom that nuclear weapons and nuclear power are inseparable. Consequently, any country that builds a civilian nuclear power station is able to build an atomic bomb within a couple of years.

New technique for sustaining high-performance fusion plasmas

( —A multinational team led by Chinese researchers in collaboration with U.S. and European partners has successfully demonstrated a novel technique for suppressing instabilities that can cut short the life of controlled ...

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