Buckyballs become bucky-bombs

In 1996, a trio of scientists won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their discovery of Buckminsterfullerene - soccer-ball-shaped spheres of 60 joined carbon atoms that exhibit special physical properties.

'Fudge factors' in physics?

Science is poised to take a "quantum leap" as more mysteries of how atoms behave and interact with each other are unlocked.

Controlling the interaction between light and matter

(PhysOrg.com) -- "One of the most exciting things about this is that it gives us nice, clean control over the interaction between light and matter," William Kelly tells PhysOrg.com. "Our technique has the potential to give ...

Discovering new particles using black holes

Some theories that go beyond the Standard Model of particle physics predict the existence of new ultralight particles, with masses far below the lightest known particles in nature. These particles have such very weak interactions ...

Boosting the force of empty space

Vacuum fluctuations may be among the most counter-intuitive phenomena of quantum physics. Theorists from the Weizmann Institute (Rehovot, Israel) and the Vienna University of Technology propose a way to amplify their force.

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