Related topics: cosmic rays

Switching nanomagnets using infrared lasers

When molecules are irradiated with infrared light, they begin to vibrate due to the energy supply. For Andreas Hauser from the Institute of Experimental Physics at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), this well-known ...

Ion irradiation offers promise for 2D material probing

Two-dimensional materials such as graphene promise to form the basis of incredibly small and fast technologies, but this requires a detailed understanding of their electronic properties. New research demonstrates that fast ...

Computing how quantum states overlap

Quantum many-body systems are things such as atomic nuclei that consist of many tiny particles moving in complex ways. This makes it extremely difficult to predict how the systems behave as the particles interact. To study ...

Better neutron mirrors can reveal the inner secrets of matter

Improved neutron mirrors can increase the efficiency of material analysis in neutron sources such as the European Spallation Source. The improved mirror has been developed by researchers at Linköping University by coating ...

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